Submission Guidelines
Submission and Overall Format
The manuscript should be organized to have a Title Page, Abstract with Key Words, Introduction, Material and Method, Results and Discussions, Conclusions and Acknowledgement followed by references.
- Manuscript length of between 4000 to 5000 words including figures and tables, types in double – space or printed in 12 point Times New Roman font on 8.5” * 11” (A-4) size paper with 1.5 inch margin on all four sides. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
- The cover page should contain title of the paper, author(s), name designation, official address, contact address, phone/ fax numbers and e mail address.
- Papers are processed through a blind referral system by experts in the subject areas. To ensure anonymity, the writer’s name, designation and others details should appear only on the first page along with the title of the paper and should not be repeated anywhere else.
- Abstract of not more than 200 words outlining the purpose and scope of the paper in a single paragraph should be submitted. The abstract should explain why the reader should consider these results important. Key words are to be mentioned at the end of the abstract.
- Number (in Roman Letters) and caption all exhibits, charts and tables. The number of tables and figures should be kept to essentials, recommended number is 2- 3.Sources of the data should be given below each table.
Content Guidelines
- Use British spellings (rather than American): universal “z” in ‘ize’ and ‘ization’ words
- Use ‘twentieth century’, ‘1980’. Spell out numbers from one to nine, 10 and above to remain in figures. However, for exact measurements use only figures (3km, nine per cent not %). Use thousands and millions (e.g., not takes lakhs and crores)
- Use single quotes throughout. Double quotes only to be used within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed.. Quotations of 45 words or more should be separated from the text and indented with one space with a line space above and below.
- Notes should be numbered serially and presented at the end of the article. Notes must contain more than a mere reference.
- Please always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units, SI units.
- Genus and species names should be in italics.
Footnotes and References
- It is the author’s obligation to provide complete references with the necessary information. References should appear in the text as:”Bollen and Busse (2011) reported that ………..” and the list of all the references must be placed at the end of the manuscript in the following style:
- Bollen N P B and Busse J A (2001), “ On the timings ability of mutual fund managers”, Journal of Finance, Vol.56, No.3, pp. 1075- 1094
- Festinger L(1975), A theory of cognitive dissonance, Stanford University Press, Stanford
- In- text citations (as per APA, 6TH editions):- (Kessler, 2003, p.50); (Joreskog & Sorborn, 2007, pp. 50 – 66); (Basu, Banarji & Chatterjee, 2007)[ first instance]; Basu et al. (2007)[ Second instance onwards]; (‘Study finds’,2007); (Anonymous, 1998); (Gogel, 1990, 2006, in press); (Gogel, 1996; Miller, 1999)
- Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower – case letters ( or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
Charts and Figures
- Tables and charted presented in the text should be in black and white only, and must be provided in editable formats.
- Tables and figures to be indicated by numbers separately (see Table 1), not by placement ( see Table below). Present each table and figure on a separate sheet of paper, gathering them together at the end of the article. All figures and Tables should be cited in the text. Sources for figures and tables should be mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions.
- All photographs and scanned images should have a resolution of minimum 300 dpi and 1500 pixels and their format should be TIFF or JPEG. Due permissions should be taken for copyright protected photographs/ images.
Journal Ethics
- The papers must be thoroughly vetted and finely read; and there must not be any discrepancy regarding spellings of the names of authors, and year of publication, from the ones given in the references mentioned in the text of the paper with the citations given at the end of the paper. The citations must be complete in every manner and format.
- Author should clarify on the cover page of the manuscript that the material is not published, copyrighted, accepted or under review elsewhere. The copyright of all accepted papers will vest with “Anusandhan: Journal of Business and Management Research”. Note that it is the Author’s responsibility to obtain permission of copyright issues wherever required.
- The data used for research must in all cases be authentic and verified.. Any deviations in strictest form of professional integrity in unacceptable
- Anusandhan has zero tolerance of plagiarism in anything which it publishes. The authors are responsible for making sure that all copyright rules and regulations are observed. Authors and contributors are advised to scrupulously observe publishing ethics and shall be solely liable for any consequences arising out for non observation of the requirements.
- Editorial Board’s decision shall be final and shall be communicated with a period of 2 months from the receipt of the paper.
- Review System; Every article is processed by a masked peer review of double blind and edited accordingly before publication.
Submission of Copy Right form
- After acceptance of the paper, the author should send a signed declaration form mentioning that the matter embodied in the manuscript is original and copyrighted and that the other material and references used for the preparation of the manuscript have been duly acknowledged. The copyright form will be provided along with acceptance of the paper. The declaration should also carry consent of all the authors along with their signatures for submission in journal. It will be the responsibility of the corresponding author to secure requisite permission from his or her employer that all papers submitted are understood to have received clearances for publication.
Manuscripts are accepted on the basis that they may be edited for style and language.
The manuscript should be sent to
Chief Editor “Anusandhan: Journal of Business and Management Research” New Delhi Institute of Management 61 – Tughlakabad Institutional Area Near Batra Hospital, New Delhi - 62
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