IT Center

NDIM has a state-of-the-art, air-conditioned Information Technology centre which has been designed and equipped to enable an easy accessibility to the latest relevant data and information, for preparing presentations, projects and other assignments by the management students.

  • The I.T Centre has 24 hrs. Internet connectivity with 7 Mbps dedicated internet access (1:1) by two ISPs including Bharti Airtel and Reliance Communication.
  • The IT Lab consists of 92 computers with latest configuration networked all over the institution in interconnected Local Area Networks (LAN / WAN & Wi-fi) along with two servers operating on Windows 2008 R2 & LINUX.
  • In addition, latest research software like IBM SPSS (STATISTICS BASE 21.0) visual studio 2010, e-Views 9.0, office also installed.
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