Careers @ NDIM

NDIM as an institute values constant improvement and would therefore like our faculty to be in tune with the latest trends that are being followed in various other business schools in India and abroad. We encourage our faculty to teach, to do research and be involved in training and consulting. To enable all these activities to flourish and grow a new system of work norms needs to evolve. Work norms and expectations will now be a measure of three tracks of which you will be required to choose one. These will be Teaching; Research; Training and Consulting Tracks. The criteria for the three tracks are listed below:

Teaching Track:

Applicants will have a passion for teaching and inspiring students. Applicants should be strongly committed to excellence in teaching and advising students. They should be willing to work in an environment that fosters diversity.

Research Track:

Applicants will focus on conducting application research and developing case studies, besides teaching. They should have strong potential and interest to conduct applied research and develop cases at the forefront of their fields.

Training and Consulting Track:

Applicants on this track will focus on/in company training programs, management development programs and consulting. Applicants are academic practitioners with professional skills and expertise in industry, training and consulting expertise to complement the teaching and research at NDIM.

Staff at NDIM

The staff at NDIM has made immense contribution towards building NDIM into a highly prestigious Institute. The staff plays a lead role in managing the administrative and financial functions of the Institute. We do acknowledge the valuable contribution made by our staff and give them performance based rewards.

NDIM invites applications for the following positions:

Teaching Position:

Professor/Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in the areas of: Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics, General Management, Marketing, HR and Finance. Applicants should be Ph.D with minimum of 10 & 8 years of experience for position of Professor, Associate Professor and UGC –NET with minimum 3years of experience for Assistant Professor respectively.

Non-Teaching Position:

Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar , Placement Officer, Academic officers, Administrative officer, Accountant, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, System Administrator, Lab Assistant.


All CVs for the positions mentioned above must be sent by e-mail to to the Principal, New Delhi Institute of Management, 61, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi-110062.
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