Report on National Conference on “Digital India – Empowering the Vision”,10th Nov.,2017
NDIM organised its second national conference titled Digital India – Empowering the Vision on 10th November 2017. The conference was well attended by eminent academicians, faculty members and students from reputed technical and educational institutions from different parts of the country.
The conference was inaugurated by the Chairperson of NDIM at the inaugural function, Ms. Bindu Kumar on 10th morning. In her inaugural address, she lauded the Management and the academic administration of the institute for hosting a national conference.
In the morning session, Mr. Akshat Jain – AVP in Genpact with 10 yrs. Exp. and Mr. Amit Pareenja – BDM in Vodafone India with 14+ yrs. Exp. presented their views on the Digital India.
In the afternoon, the second session started with Ms. Swati Arora – Currently in Process & Governance Function with 15 yrs. Of non banking n banking Exp. and Ms. Prashant – Head Mpesa Business in Vodafone with 19+ yrs. Exp. giving a talk on managing the Digital India within the frame works of a scope, barriers and remedies. Various participants presented Fifteen papers on the subject.
During the valedictory program conducted in the evening, Dr. M.M.Maheshwari & Dr. Niraj RBL Saxena, congratulated the Institute and the Management on organizing a national conference on a contemporarily relevant theme.
The Conference Proceedings CD was released by the Chairperson Ms. Bindu Kumar on the occasion and the certificates to the participants too were given away.
A few participants who gave their feedback on the conference praised the institution for hosting its first ever conference in such an impeccable manner and said that they were overwhelmed by the hospitality offered by the organisers.
Ms. Bindu Kumar, in her presidential address, thanked all the sponsors, advertisers, delegates, and the faculty and students for their magnanimous support and assured that NDIM will organise more such activities in the future.
After the valedictory program, the conference came to an end, leaving fond memories in the minds of the guests and delegates and a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in all members of the faculty and staff and student volunteers who were associated with its preparation and organisation.