Founder’s Day, 16th October, 2018

Founder’s Day, 16th October, 2018 was observed as ‘Shikshit Bharat Abhiyan’ in memory of Hon’ble Chairman Sh. JR Bansal Ji, Ex-Chairman PPSC and Ex-Member of UPSC. Around 500 underprivileged children including women participated and registered for free education and food at NDIM. On this occasion the Guest of Honor Mr. Raghav Chaddha from Aam Aadmi Party, Member of Political Affairs, accompanied NDIM’s Chairperson Mrs. Bindu Kumar. A drawing competition was organized followed by lunch and free stationary distribution.

On the same day ‘Sampling Plantation’ day was also organized. The location for plantation was the nearby grounds and parks near NDIM. Ms. Poonam Bhati, Councilor, SDMC accompanied NDIM’s Chairperson and planted about 50 plants. Nearly 150 students of NDIM participated in this event.

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